
101 Kinship and Marriage Baduy

The term "Bedouin" is a designation given by the colonists to the community, originated from the designation of Dutch researchers who seem to equate them with the Arab group Badawi is a society on the move (nomadic). Another possibility is for their River and Mount Baduy Baduy in the northern part of the region.
">They themselves prefer to call themselves as urang Kanekes or "people Kanekes" according to the name of their region, or a term that refers to the name of their village as Urang Cibeo.

In Baduy is no pattern or kinship systems within the Baduy. Baduy kinship systems focus on region of residence. Location dwelling Bedouins indicates the position where it is located as a descendant of the Batara. Kinship can be seen from three sides: first, Tangtu village. Second, panamping village. Third, Pajaroan. In that case, the whole Baduy stated that the whole region is the Bedouin village "Jaro Teulu Tangtu Seven" which means the entire population in the region Kanekes Bedouins are the relatives who came from a common ancestor. The difference lies in the generation between the old and young. In kinship Bedouins, the Cikeusik considered the oldest, middle and Cibeo Cikertawana the youngest.

In addition, the kinship system Bedouins refer to the name of the mother (syllables) example of a mother named Sarimin hence the name of her son was able Saripin, Sarpin¸ or daughter Sartin. How to call Baduy community is unique, someone calling to someone by the name of the child. For example, the father Murshid because the name of his son so he is called the father Murshid Murshid but its real name is Alim.

Subsequent developments Bedouins in the mating system is a system Monogamous marriage. A Bedouin man should not be more than one wife and marriage Polygamy is a taboo. In addition, boys marriage first (sister) of a lineage to the daughter of the last (sister) from another lineage. It is important in the mating system Baduy is a sister should not enter into marriage before her sister into marriage (ngarunghal). In practice, the Bedouins there is no difference between cousins ​​similarities and antarsepupu so that there is a tendency in the marriage occurred in the closest family, can occur up to the fourth level cousin. Those terms refer to baraya Baduy.

Bedouins in the mating system there is no tradition in touch before marriage (dating). The couple will live matchmaking. Parents man will stay in touch to her parents and introduce their two children each. Once there is an agreement, followed by the process of applying three times, namely:
  •  Stage One, the old man had to report to Jaro (village head) to bring betel leaves, betel nuts and Gambier taste.
  •  The second phase, in addition to carrying betel, areca nut, and gambier, applying this time equipped with a ring made of white steel as dowry.
  • The third stage, preparing equipment for the needs of households, as well as seserahan wedding dress for the women. Uniquely, the customary provisions, Baduy people do not recognize polygamy and divorce. They are only allowed to remarry if one of them had died.
Implementation of the marriage ceremony and reception for the couple was held in Balai Adat led by Pu'un to menyahkan nuptials. In the provision of mating system Bedouins do not recognize polygamy and divorce.

All of the existing system in Baduy including mating systems based on "Pikukuh", a rule which has existed since the ancestral Baduy. "Pikukuh" is the rule and doctrine that should be run by Bedouins. The rules governing what is allowed da what is prohibited. This regulation also regulates the organization of a marriage that is in the fifth, sixth and seventh.

Moreover, in matters of inheritance Bedouins claim that the division of inheritance for boys and girls only. The division of inheritance in Baduy evenly split between girls and boys. Inheritance to be home, jewelry, money and household appliances more.
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