
101 Baduy, Synergy With Natural Keeping Indigenous Rules

As a country rich in art and culture, Indonesia inhabited by various tribes who settled in all corners of the archipelago. Local knowledge and customs to preserve Indonesia's natural to be able properly maintained and synergy with nature. Terlesip Baduy name among the many tribes in Indonesia. Sundanese ethnic group live with nature in Kendeng Mountains, Kanekes Village, District Leuwidamar, Lebak, Banten.Baduy tribe divided into two groups called the Baduy Dalam and Outer Baduy. The most fundamental difference of these two tribes is in the running pikukuh or custom rules when its implementation. If Baduy 

Dalam still adhere to customs and run custom rules properly, otherwise the Outer Baduy brother.Outer Baduy community is contaminated with foreign cultures besides the Baduy. Use of electronic goods and soaps allowed traditional leaders who called Jaro to sustain activity in carrying out daily activities. In addition, the Outer Baduy also receive guests coming from outside Indonesia, they are allowed to visit to stay at the house of the Outer Baduy. 
Other differences can be seen from the way they dress worn. Traditional clothes or clothes in everyday life Outer Baduy implied in a white bandage that dominates, sometimes only part of his pants just colored black or dark blue. 
The white color symbolizes purity and culture are not detracted from the outside. Differences with the Baduy Luar wearing all black or dark blue while doing the activity.Inner Baduy has three villages on duty to accommodate the basic needs that need all the community Baduy. This task led by Pu'un as chairman of the highest indigenous aided by Jaro as his deputy. Kampung Cikeusik, 

Cikertawana, and Cibeo are three villages where Baduy live, while the Outer Baduy live in 50 other villages located in the hills of Mount Kendeng. 
Baduy designation is a gift from a Dutch researcher who noticed the resemblance of the people here with the people in the Arab Badawi or Bedoin. This similarity because first, people here often move looking for the perfect place for them to live. But there is another version that says that the name is the name Baduy Cibaduy River, located in the northern part of the village Kanekes. 
Baduy society livelihood of farming and farming in general. The nature is lush and plentiful facilitate this tribe in producing daily necessities. Results are coffee, rice, and tubers into a commodity that is most often planted by Bedouins. 
But in practice farming and farming, Baduy not use buffalo or cow in tending their fields. Quadrupeds besides dogs is strictly prohibited entry into Kanekes village in order to preserve the nature.The process is also highly applicable environmental sustainability when building their custom homes made of wood and bamboo. Seen from the contour of the land is still skewed and not explored in order to maintain nature has given them life.The houses here are built with stone as a base foundation, because that's stilts house look is not as high as the other pole. 
There are three rooms in the house with a Bedouin custom functions that each is different. The front part functioned as a reception and weaving for women. Centerpiece for the living room and bedroom, and a third room located at the rear is used for cooking and a place to store results and paddy fields. All the rooms are lined with floor made of woven bamboo. While on the roof of the house, palm fiber or palm tree leaves. The house was built Bedouin tribe face to face and always facing north or south. Factors sun is shining into the room and into the election why the houses here are built in only two directions only. 
Like the majority tribe in the archipelago, artistic traditions in Baduy also know the culture weave that has been derived from their ancestors. Weaving is only done by women who have been taught from an early age. There is a myth that applies when the man touched weaving tools made of this wood then the man will change his behavior resembles the behavior of women.This results in a weaving tradition woven cloth used in traditional clothes Baduy tribe. These soft textured fabrics for clothing, but there is also a rough texture. Rather coarse cloth normally used Baduy for headbands and belts. 
Besides being used in everyday life, this fabric is also sold to tourists who come to visit the village of 
Kanekes. Not only fabrics, there is also the fabric of bark terep that is characteristic of the Baduy in matters of art. Bags named Koja or jarog Baduy is used to store all sorts of needs required at the time of the move or traveling.Baduy believe they are descendants of Batara Cikal, one of the seven gods or god who is sent to Earth. The origin often attributed to the Prophet Adam as the first ancestors. According to their beliefs, Kanekes citizen has a duty to maintain the harmony of the world. This belief is also called the Sunda 
Wiwitan. Trust ancestor worship as a form of respect. 
Baduy territory has been designated as a cultural heritage by the local government in 1990. Region Lebak passing from village to Rangkasbitung Ciboleger has become a dwelling place Baduy tribe that became the tribal province of Banten.
">Tourists can also visit these tribes through Terminal Ciboleger as the final stop of a motor vehicle. 
From here the guide will take tourists across the hill into the woods to find a village outermost Outer Baduy village. The time taken to reach 1 hours to climb and downhill. But for tourists who want to visit the Inner Baduy territory for up to 7 hours before arriving at Kampung Cibeo, one of the villages from 3 villages Baduy Dalam.

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